Lords of Swing X Kentaro

Next month we mint the Lords of Swing digital collectibles, so we thought it would be good to sit back down with our mate Kentaro, and fire over a few questions so you can all get to know him a little better.
You have been collaborating with Birds for a number of years now, first with our Club Skull collection, and later creating Kenny Koala back in early 2021. Did you ever think that the ‘dopest Koala from down under’ would be the star of a digital collectible collection immortalising some of the greatest moments in golf history?
You have been collaborating with Birds for a number of years now, first with our Club Skull collection, and later creating Kenny Koala back in early 2021. Did you ever think that the ‘dopest Koala from down under’ would be the star of a digital collectible collection immortalising some of the greatest moments in golf history?
"This was a pretty much unexpected project and I never thought the original Kenny G Koala would expand like this. It was long run for me to create 19 (18 + 1) set of koala dudes, but I had fun drawing each koala, as well as it was great learning about some historical moments in Golf."

You have been engaged by some incredible brands over the years, what have been some of your favourite projects to work on?
"I have had so many memorable projects in the past. If I pick one from this year, I'd say the collaboration I did with Toohey’s New. It had a lot of research and learning process about NSW historical moments & iconic places, so I learned heaps from the project. I also went up the east coast while I was working on this, so I could visit some of the iconic pubs and venues as part of research - it was one of the greatest projects I have ever done."

I bet your knowledge of golf has certainly developed throughout this creative process. Has this inspired you to get out of the studio and onto the course?
"This is just coincidence, but one of my good friends asked me to start golf and has taken me to the golf simulator a few times, and I am enjoying it! I'm still an absolute kook at golfing so I don't know when I can go to the course though, hahaha. Hopefully next year so that I can golf with the Birds crew!!"

We know you are a busy man, but when the pens are down, what are you getting up to these days?
"Pretty much the same, just going to surf when the swell direction & wind are good, then hitting the pub with my mates or my family in the late arvo. I never get bored with these."

The OG Kenny G collection aside, what Birds threads are you frothing on?
"I enjoy the caps and polos, and a bit of everything. Maybe I wanna try the COOGI collab set up next! These products are so rad and make me wanna wear and go to the party!"